SATURDAY: a pictorial representation (with a few of those word things too)

YES. WE. CAN (bake bagels)!!!!! I have not felt such joyous pride in a very very long time. These are the eight babies birthed on a Saturday morn. 4 have onions and garlic on them.
Want to bake along? Click here:
The most spectacular array of brunch munchings that mine eye has ever seen (or my tongue tasted). We forgot the lox and cream cheese, but cold cuts will do when this far from home.

The proud bakers

D: juggling/lounging on the only patch of grass on UB's campus

Anna enjoys the sunshine as much, if not more than, the next fellow.

The products of an afternoon.

Seb the drum man - doing his thing with Berman and his band.
Maitisong Theatre, Maru a Pula: Exodus Live Poetry show

Behold, the conjoined banana twins! (a real live natural phenomenon, purchased at the River Walk Pic n' Pay.)

The much anticipated peeling of the banana (s)

a successful operation. one banana, became two bananas, became four halfs, became none. mmm mmmm mmm.
I would write more, because I have more to write, but I have those strange Sunday eve pre-test jitters. Thus, I think it best to rest till tomorrow.
im relieved your banana story was not the same as this one (!)
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