Sunday, July 13, 2008


Goodness gracious - in an attempt not to fall so terribly behind in this dear travel log, I post the scattered skeleton of the creature that was this weekend. Like Thursday, I have the notes of thoughts that will hopefully be re-composed into a melody soon. For now, just whistle.

Kudu Lodge - a stunning, water side spot. I honestly don't think I've ever been somewhere so simultaneously lush, sun-lit, warm, luxurious and enchanting. Despite the necessary ingestion of malarone and the ever buzzing wasps and mosquitoes: Heaven.
Clean sheets! A real bed! A change of scenery! Warmth! Elation!Down by the dock
A three hour tour: (left to right) Pratik, Me, Dave, Abby, Julio, Rajiv.
A snake bird - when they swim, only their long necks and heads stay above water, a sight that is very reminiscent of a vertical snake. They spread their wings and sun themselves because their feathers are far less than waterproof.cold feet

NEVER smile at a crocodile. We got far far far too close for comfort.Hippos - massive lumps that resemble resting rocks. Their skin and fat and limbs just kind of smoosh into the mud, making them look incredibly comfortable and incredibly calm.Ze Girraffes!!!! Too far away for any sort of spot sighting, but even from a distance they're gangly, wonderful things.mmm. words? I'm not sure I can muster any.
The Botswana/Zimbabwe border
The gap between Zimbabwe and Zambia (Victoria Falls)

CAUTION: this may involve me jumping off a bridge.
I'm safe! I'm sound! Don't worry!
The most lovely and majestic VictoriaBig Baobab Tree
safari field trip!

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